Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ashamed of "Christians"

I see this photo* and I shudder. It is an anti-gay sign saying that Jesus’ plan for the lives of gays is hell. I see this and I’m disgusted with how we have perverted Christianity and how we misrepresent Christ. Hell is not the plan Jesus has for anyone – and don’t go add “love” as sarcasm.

These Christians are doing unthinkable damage to the Christian-faith. Their distorted representation of Jesus and God makes me cringe. May God forgive us for such atrocities we do in His name. I look at this and I feel ashamed to be a Christian.

Please do not judge Christianity by such distortions of the gospel. The example for Christianity is always Christ, and not “Christians” that hi-jack the faith for their own agendas.

* The photo is by Tami Barnes and relates to the whole polemic in California regarding gay marriages on which I posted before.


Prophet Kangnamgu said...

The Scripture verses they used on the poster in the photo bugs me. How do they apply to gays? Apart from Revelation 21:8, which is a general statement about all the wicked going to hell, the other verses just do not make sense. The context of Isaiah 14:9 regards Lucifer (the Morningstar) that fell. So it is about Satan going to hell, not people. I Corinthians 6:9 is about strife in the Church and has nothing to do with homosexuals. And Matthew 23:33 concerns the Pharisees in particular, but the Israelites in general, that throughout the ages murdered God’s prophets. Again, nothing to do with homosexuals. And definitely nothing to do with Jesus’ love.

I cannot help but wonder what went through the minds of these people? If you really want to make the case they are trying to make, there are much better verses to choose from. Did they just randomly pick versus that touches on themes slightly related to hell? As if throwing a bunch of Bible references on a poster will give credibility to there hate-speech?!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am the photographer and thanks for giving me credit for my photo. So many of my pics have been stolen. I appreciate this.
