Saturday, May 17, 2008

What government unites, let no man seperate...

I’m reading about the whole controversy regarding same sex marriages in California, at present.

I'm thinking out loud...

Should a country’s law govern marriages, in the sanctimonious sense, at all? Shouldn’t Church and State be separate?

Let people partner up contractually if they want to, in the form of civil unions and domestic partnerships (which are already possibilities in California). This then becomes a legal contract between two entities about sharing money, responsibilities, etc.

And then, if religious people want to make another contract with God – a sanctimonious covenant – let them do so within the confines of their religious persuasion. This shouldn’t be a matter of State, but a personal (religious) matter; a matter between a couple and their God.

Marriage in a legal sense and marriage in a sanctimonious sense are not the same, why should we try to get government to merge the two? America is a country rooted on the principle of separation between State and Religion. Keep it separate.

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