Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make – 14 New Ways That The Government Is Watching You

From: Excerpts from an article from The End of America.

#1 In many areas of the United States today, you will be arrested if you do not produce proper identification for the police.

#2 The federal government has decided that what you and I share with one another on Facebook and on Twitter could be a threat to national security.

#3 New high-tech street lights that are being funded by the federal government and that are being installed all over the nation can also be used as surveillance cameras, can be used by the DHS to make "security announcements" and can even be used to record personal conversations.

#4 More than a million hotel television sets all over America are now broadcasting propaganda messages from the Department of Homeland Security promoting the "See Something, Say Something" campaign. In essence, the federal government wants all of us to become "informants" and to start spying on one another constantly.

#5 The FBI is now admittedly recording Internet talk radio programs all over the United States.

#6 TSA VIPR teams are now conducting random inspections at bus stations and on interstate highways all over the United States.

#7 Thermal imaging face scanners are becoming much more sophisticated. Law enforcement authorities in the western world are getting very excited about "pre-crime" tools such as this that will enable them to "prevent crimes" before they happen.

#8 Another "pre-crime" technology currently being tested by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is The Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) program.

#9 Sadly, "pre-crime" technology is even being used on our children. The Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice has announced that it will begin using analysis software to predict crime by young delinquents and will place "potential offenders" in specific prevention and education programs.

#10 Our children are being programmed to accept the fact that they will be watched and monitored constantly.

#11 The U.S. government is also increasingly using "polls" and "surveys" as tools to gather information about all of us.

the FBI is now instructing store owners to report many new forms of "suspicious activity" to them. According to the document, "suspicious activity" now includes the following....

*paying with cash

*missing a hand or fingers

*"strange odors"

*making "extreme religious statements"

*"radical theology"

*purchasing weatherproofed ammunition or match containers

*purchasing meals ready to eat

*purchasing night vision devices, night flashlights or gas masks

Do any of those "signs of suspicious activity" apply to you?

#13 In some areas of the country, law enforcement authorities are pulling data out of cell phones for no reason whatsoever.

#14 The government can spy on us and record our conversations seemingly without any limitation, but in many areas of the country it has become illegal to watch them or record them in public.

Read the full article here.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Join or Die

So, if you are not completely convinced about the dangers of carbon emissions, then this is what the global elite has in mind for you. (By the way, carbon dioxide is a natural by-product of living; it is used by plants to grow and reconverted into oxygen.)

The real message send by this disturbing video is that you are not allowed to disagree. Regardless of the fact that many scientific studies are questioning the global warming from man-made carbon emissions narrative. The global elite pushing this campaign are also the people who wants to reduce the world's population drastically. What it comes down to is mass genocide: covertly at first, but if they are not actively resisted it will eventually become overt murders all in the name of "saving the planet".

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

10 Indications America is a Dictatorship

  1. Rule by force, not by law

  2. Crushing peaceful protest

  3. Checkpoints

  4. Citizen spy network

  5. Executive orders

  6. Control of regulatory agencies

  7. President declares war unilatery

  8. Torture

  9. Gulags

  10. Control over communications

Read the full article here to see how this is already the case in the United States.