If you are an American and do not wish to get depressed, I suggest you skip this part. However, if you are an American, this might be just the part for you to read.
Like in my previous letter I’m not going to talk in detail about what’s happening in the United States. What I’ve learned from previously letters is that, as many people before me have found out for themselves, the bearer of bad news is seldom liked. People, especially Americans, feel offended by the things I mention, thinking that my critique is somehow aimed at them; I guess by proxy of being American. Let me reiterate that my “critique,” if one is really to call it that, is intended as observations, and where applicable as warnings. I’m merely noticing things that I find significant and mention them.
If there is one recent incident that should send shivers down the spine of every American citizen then it is the G20 meeting that was held in Pittsburg in September. Unfortunately few Americans actually know what happened there, since the media did a very good job of under reporting the peripheral events occurring outside the meeting. The mainstream media did not reveal the truth of how ordinary citizens (i.e. non-protesters) were attacked, both physically and with military weapons, including rubber bullets, teargas and experimental sonic weapons. It is clear from this event that the mainstream media in America is actually suppressing news and that free press is a rarity these days. I serious advice people to stop following the pre-packaged news agencies like CNN and start listening to independent news agencies, such as Democracy Now: The War and News Report, or other similar news agencies. Or if you can speak another language, listen to American news as covered by non-American broadcasters. Germany, for one, seems to present clearer description of big newsworthy events (i.e., not Michael Jackson or Britney Spears) in the USA. I’ve also seen some good stuff on Russia Today.
Most Americans do not know this but much the anti-protest police used in Pittsburg during the G20 meeting was made up of foreign military forces, and police forces from outside of Pittsburg. This is terrifying in itself, but also makes good sense – you don’t want the militia you’re using to feel sentimental about the people they are oppressing, do you?
People were arrested for using Twitter, warning fellow citizens in Pittsburg to stay clear of certain areas. Twitter, if you don’t know, is an Internet based text-messaging system that allows one to send simultaneous messages to everyone that is registered to your account. Well, people used their Twitter-accounts to warn other people to avoid certain areas where this anti-riot police, or rather militia, was at. (And for good reason, the militia were harassing innocent civilians, beating them, shooting them with rubber bullets, or sonic devices, or teargas – I’d be quite thankful if someone forewarned me to avoid such danger zones.) For this, some of these Twitter-users were thrown in jail, and / or raided by the FBI, for, (get this!) interfering with police activities. What does this say about the future of freedom of speech in America?
The ironic thing is that the USA condemned Iran’s oppression of Twitter-users just a couple of months earlier when Iranian freedom of speech activists used Twitter as a networking tool. Now, in America users of Twitter are raided, treated as terrorists and thrown in jail.
During the Pittsburg event members of the press was detained, and the main news media broadcasters were quiet. Or if they covered the event it showed a skewed reality. Thank goodness that, for now, the Internet is still an open resource. Many students from the University of Pittsburg recorded some of the events on their cell phones and uploaded it onto YouTube. You can easily search for it. But how long will the Internet stay open? There are already movements towards muzzling it – think of the Cyber Bullying Act which is one step in the wrong direction, no matter how well intended.
Should I mention how children in some American schools are taught songs of praise to glorify the President? Really, this is seriously disconcerting. I don’t have anything personally against Mr. Obama, how could I? I’m not American. But this reconfirms a grave trend I’ve noticed even before his election – a type of worship similar to little North Korean children singing praises to the Great Leader. And while such Obama-worship is happening on the one side of the spectrum, a colleague told me that she heard how people are having bets on the date the First Lady of America will become a widow; and I also heard of a poll that was on Facebook asking whether or not the president should be assassinated. So while the Obama-mania is still sweeping one segment of America, there seems to be a counter-wave as well. And in between are the normal folk, who will become caught in the crossfire.
Did you know that a private company, with the convenient title of “American Police Force” is buying up prisons to be privately owned. With private companies having names such as “American Police Force,” and foreign militia running the streets pretending to be local police or military, how is one to know who is friend and who is foe, who is protector and who is predator? And I just recently heard that some of these privately owned jails bribed judges to get more prisoners. So much for a fare trial!
And let met not even begin talking about the Swine Flu and the recent declaration of a “national emergency.” Sweden was the first country to start swine flu vaccinations and it is also the first to report deaths related to the injection. The fact that a “national emergency” was declared, which basically give authorities the power to forcefully quarantine and vaccinate people against their will, seems not to make the headlines at all. The fact that there are carcinogens and mercury in some of the vaccinations doesn’t seem much of a media headline either – in fact, some of the media reports actually lie about the vaccine ingredients. I wonder how much the pharmaceutical companies have invested in these media broadcasters. The swine flu is not fake (although some do think it artificial), and I would not be surprised if it was engineered by these pharmaceutical companies who made millions selling vaccines to governments.
Want to hear more? How about the FBI’s application to renew three Patriot Act spying provisions, without them having to reveal their conduct (aka “gag power”). Melissa Goodman, the ACLU Staff Attorney explains that the “gag power has allowed the FBI to manipulate the debate, to suppress evidence of its misuse of the NSL power, and to deprive Congress and the public of important information it needs to inform whether these intrusive surveillance and gag powers should be reformed.” It was announced that the Supreme Court will review, at least parts of, the controversial Patriot Act, to ascertain it constitutionality – but one has to wonder about their “creative interpretations” sometimes.
The Dollar keeps dropping in value (which is no surprise as more money is continually printed—“stimulus”—without any physical backing like gold). Latin American countries have announced a new Latin American Currency to replace dependency on the Dollar. The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) are in negotiations to find an alternative currency than the US Dollar to trade in.
And the United States is increasing its three foreign wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan), with the current Administration considered sending more and more young soldiers; many of them to die in wars based on lies: “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Does the US Administration really think that it is making America a safer place by increasing its oppression of these countries? Rather, it is fuelling emotions of revenge which is bound to increase terrorists’ attacks and one would not be surprised to see more of that in the future.
Surely seeing such trends one must be concerned for the future of the country? And I am especially concerned for the future of all my American friends and acquaintances. I’m not sharing these things because I take pleasure out of pointing the issues in America; rather, I’m sharing it because I am seriously troubled by it.
Imagine if America took all those billions of dollars it is pumping into these wars, and instead of using it to destroy “and keep order,” the money is used to build up, provide food, schools, hospitals, homes…
There is a story in the Bible where Syria came to destroy Israel, but through miraculous events Israel got the upper hand. The king of Israel asked council from the prophet Elisha: “My father, shall I smite them?” Elisha gave a surprising answer: “Thou shalt not smite them: wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword and with thy bow? Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink, and [let them] go to their master.” The king listened and “he prepared great provision for them: and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away, and they went to their master. So the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel.” (You can read the story in II Kings 6.) This is how you make peace with your enemy.
The principle in this story was mentioned before by the Sage-King Solomon: “If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink…” (Proverbs 25:21). Centuries later the Messiah came to make this principle clearest, by saying “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you…” (Matthew 5:43).
If it was possible for the US government to take such an approach to their enemies they would make friends of them, and will then need little fear of terrorist attacks. Of course, this will not happen. The way of the Kingdom of God, i.e. the Way of Unconditional Love and Peace and “good will toward men,” is not the way of earthly governments—American or any other government; after all, Jesus did say that his “kingdom is not of this world.”
Making friends of its enemies is not the agenda of the USA. America’s culture of violence has it conditioned into believing that conquering is the way. It may be a way, but it is definitely not the way to long lasting peace. Instead it creates enemies intend on revenge. Do not be fooled; America’s wars are far from over and President Obama’s campaign promises were at best wishful thinking. While American tactics involve drone planes blasting away civilians, who can expect peace?
I said that I’d not go into detail concerning America. I didn’t. The few points I’ve mentioned I hardly discussed, and these were merely a blip of the things that happened over the last two months.
I have traveled the world and I learned how the Americans get viewed by others, and I don't like it. I have thought of seriously leaving the United States for good since about 2000, when I traveled to Europe. I also dreamt of being a missionary as a child. I am tired of the ignorance and arrogance the attitude that "this is the best country in the world". I don't believe a "best" country exists. That being said, I still think a permanent exile can be in order.
Thank you for sharing, I like it worth reading.
hi prophet
heavy reading.
the wars by america is about oil and getting it. i mean, why not attack the african dictators if worldwide "peace and freedom" were so important.
speaking of major misconceptions, did you hear about the "new" book of judas? interesting stuff.
but, why is it that the gospels were all written so long after the fact. grr.
always thought the bible was a bit disjointed. and, most of its followers even more so.
just like the US, they say one thing, but do another. and, the motives tend to be synonymous with the sins... greed. pride. lust. vanity. sloth. envy. gluttony.
go figure.
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