Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama, an Eugenicist?

These are serious accusations -- Obama, an eugenicist! What do you think?


Adam said...

More and more parallels seem to be forming that make the current state of the US look like NAZI (National Socialist Party) Germany.

People often automatically think of the gas chambers when they think of Nazi Germany but they forget that the 4 main principles of Nazism were
1. the totalitarian principle of government (all citizens are should be totally subject to an absolute state authority (the US is moving that direction)
2. state control of all industry (can you say "auto bailout, bank bailout, universal healthcare, and now the newly passed Climate Change bill which will regulate all carbon emission of all industries among other things)
3. Predominance of groups assumed to be racially superior. (we don't see much of this yet, BUT Obama went to a church that teaches Black Liberation Theology (who believe blacks are superior to all other races) for TWENTY YEARS!
4. the supremacy of the fuhrer. (have you seen how arrogant this guys is? He thinks he can solve the world's problems by just walking into the room.)

Prophet Kangnamgu said...

Naomi Wolf said that the Bush administration is moving America towards Fascism:


Gerald Celente says that the Obama administration is moving America towards Fascism.

I guess, they are both right.

shalom.shlama said...

we cannot expect in these times to have a presidential candidate that actually cares, or wants change. we are years past that, I am certain in my heart that leaders with a true cause do not exist in the political world anymore -they are for the same cause -the new world order.

shalom.shlama said...

we cannot expect in these times to have a presidential candidate that actually cares, or wants change. we are years past that, I am certain in my heart that leaders with a true cause do not exist in the political world anymore -they are for the same cause -the new world order.

Prophet Kangnamgu said...

"The New World Order" -- it is not even paranoia any more; it's fact. It's just a pity that so few people realize it.