Monday, November 10, 2008

It's in His Message, not His Tomb

Photo by AP

In Jerusalem Christian monks brawled yesterday at the supposed sight of Jesus’ tomb, and the supposed cross that was used to crucify Jesus and discovered in the 4th Century. The brawl broke out between monks from the Armenian and Greek Orthodox churches.

The New York Daily News has as its story headline: “Not Very Christian!”

These claims to holy sites and religious artefacts are very much outside of Jesus Christ’s legacy. Jesus did not leave any tangible stuff behind – knowing fully well that man would be tempted to worship such earthly things. He did not even write anything down. There are no manuscripts written by him. The one occasion He wrote, he wrote in the sand. We are not to be tempted to worship things or places. What Jesus left us was a message, which we call the Good News – the Gospel. Jesus is not to be found in objects or special holy sites. It is in his message that we can find him, and nobody (and no church) has a monopoly over that message.

The Daily News is correct. Such emphasis on things and places are not very Christian.

1 comment:

Einstein's Brain said...

The Catholics made idols of things when they came up with the idea of "sacred" objects. They used thoses tangible things as a way to control people. The saints' statues were actually old statues of ancient Roman gods. When old temples became churches they kept the old things there.