“She’s a true friend of Israel.”* I heard this said yesterday by someone on a radio news report about Hillary Clinton.
Why should her “true friend[ship]” even be an issue?
Unfortunately, in U.S. politics it is very important, and I think for all the wrong reasons. There is a large pro-Israel movement in the U.S., backed mostly by Religious Right voters. Clinton is trying to get the backing of these Republican voters.
But here is my real issue and concern.
These Religious Right have been brain washed to believe some silly apocalyptic mumbo-jumbo. According to many Evangelical movements, after the Secret Rapture (which is not a sound Biblical doctrine) Israel will become the ruling state of the world – a peaceful reign for a thousand years!
These Evangelicals believe that their loyalties should lie with Israel, since Israel is the blessed nation of God.
What surprise me is that these people clearly do not study their Bibles. Israel has stopped being pivotal when the Gospel was sent to all nations. Paul makes it clear that the Church is spiritually part of the Jewish nation (Romans 2:29). The promises are to spiritual Israel, not literal Israel. The conditional prophecies of the Old Testament towards Israel and the Jews were revoked because they refused the Messiah. There will never be a grand Israel state controlling the world.
What doesn’t surprise me is that politicians would suck up for any vote. My concern is how strong the “religious”-vote is. How is it possible that a nation founded on the importance of Separation of Church and State could have turned blind so quickly? Haven’t they learned from the past?! Also, the Jewish-American economy is extremely strong so she is probably begging for some financial support for her campaign.
* The expression “…true friend of Israel” was first used by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert towards prior British Prime Minister Tony Blair in 2007.
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